Getting Started

Conceptualizing your flow

Before diving into PromptChainer's flow builder, it's essential to conceptualize your flow and understand your objectives. Start by identifying the problem you want to solve or the goal you wish to achieve using AI. Consider the data you'll need, the models that can process that data, and the desired output format.

Next, outline the steps needed to achieve your objective. Think of how AI models will load, transform, process, and save data after manipulation. Determine which nodes will be required for the process, such as data, ChatGPT (action), Image (Dall-E), conditional, context and more. Additionally, consider any pre-processing or post-processing steps that may be necessary.

In designing PromptChainer, we've prioritized ease of use for coders and non-coders. Our intuitive flow builder allows you to create robust AI-driven solutions without extensive coding knowledge. While there is a slight learning curve to becoming familiar with the various nodes and their functions, we've designed the platform to be as user-friendly as possible. Users can often master the basics and create complex flows within just half an hour. So, whether you're an experienced developer or a newcomer to the world of AI, PromptChainer offers a simple, accessible way to unlock the power of artificial intelligence for your projects.

By clearly understanding your flow's purpose and the necessary steps, you can create a more efficient and effective AI-powered solution using PromptChainer.

Quick Start Tutorial

You can choose to either provide your own OpenAI API key or leverage our unique credit system.

The OpenAI API key option gives you direct access to OpenAI's models. It is best suited for those with an API key who prefer to manage the intricacies of token usage.

On the other hand, our credit system is an innovative solution to simplify your experience. By purchasing credits, you bypass the need to maintain your own API key and can instead focus on the actual utilization of our platform. The beauty of this system lies in its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, we're excited to announce an upcoming feature that will optimize the usage of tokens for you, maximizing the value you get from each credit spent.

We are currently offering those credits for free because of beta-version purposes. If you run out of credits - feel free to contact us through the support email or the in-app chat.

Connect your API key for OpenAI: Navigate to - and click on "Create new secret key".

Build on your own credits: You will receive 2400 base credits once you sign up. If you run out of credits - you can purchase more of them through the dashboard itself. For more information about the credits - refer to this page on our Knowledge Base.

Create a new project: Start by creating a new project in the PromptChainer dashboard. This will help you organize and manage your flows and associated data.

Navigate to the flow builder: Open the flow builder interface to begin designing your flow. You'll find all the available nodes and the canvas to create your flow here.

Drag and drop nodes: Choose the necessary nodes from the node library, and drag them onto the canvas. Start with a variable node to load the required data, followed by other nodes such as action, conditional, context or custom code nodes.

Configure node properties: Select each node, and configure its properties according to your needs. For example, set the input and output variables or model parameters for action nodes or specify the condition and action for conditional nodes.

Connect nodes: Establish connections between nodes by clicking and dragging the output connector of one node to the input connector of the next node in the sequence.

Test your flow: Before activating it, test it to ensure everything works correctly. Resolve any issues, and make necessary adjustments.

Save and activate: Once satisfied with your flow, save it and connect it to a project in your database. Fill in the required variables, and activate the flow to generate data.

API Integration: Seamlessly connect your AI flows to your own application. After creating and testing your flow, use our API to activate specific flows within your app, providing a powerful AI-driven experience for your users, all happening behind the scenes.

By following this quick start tutorial, you'll be on your way to creating powerful AI-driven solutions using PromptChainer's flow builder.

Last updated