

At PromptChainer, we're dedicated to simplifying your experience with various AI models. To achieve this, we've developed an innovative credit system. This system introduces a single, unified currency - Credits - to manage your interaction with all AI models in our platform.

Understanding Credits

The credit system has been crafted to simplify your interactions with various AI models available on multiple platforms. In the diverse world of AI, different models operate on their unique pricing models and require individual platform accounts. This could become cumbersome and complicated for users who want to leverage multiple AI models. That's where PromptChainer's credit system steps in. It eliminates the need to manage various tokens or individual API keys linked to different AI models. Our credits allow you to buy in one place and use them across multiple models, streamlining your experience and making the process more efficient.

Calculating Credit Consumption

We've designed a fair and transparent method for calculating credit consumption. Our system continuously tracks the pricing models of different AI models, adjusting the Credits-to-Tokens ratio to ensure you get the most value out of your Credits.

Here's how it works: We consider each AI model's price per 1000 tokens. This price then acts as a multiplier for our credits. As a result, the credit cost is always proportionate to the pricing model of the AI model in use.

This approach ensures a fair pricing system and allows us to maintain a small arbitrage. The arbitrage, in turn, assists us in funding and supporting the smooth operation of our service. In essence, you benefit from a simple, straightforward pricing structure while supporting our mission to streamline your experience with AI models.

Arbitrage Fee

To maintain our platform and continue offering our services, we charge an arbitrage fee on every credit purchase (depending on the number of credits purchased). This fee may change in the future, but rest assured we'll always notify you in advance of any changes.

The specifics of our model pricing are maintained in our code and adjusted by changes in the models' pricing structures. We commit to full transparency with our users, informing them of pricing changes.

PromptChainer Models: Unpacking the Cost

A few key points are worth noting to help you better understand how the costs break down. Some models we’re working with, such as GPT-4, have a distinct pricing structure that factors in both the tokens you send to the model and the tokens you receive as an answer. In openAI’s table, this is denoted as "Input" and "Output".

You can check for openAI’s pricing table on their official page. This table covers each model, measured per 1,000 tokens for text-based models and per image for our image-based models, like DALL-E. We use the price per 1000 tokens as a multiplier on our side. That way - we ensure the best proximity to the original price. We’re currently using openAI’s models as examples because these are the only available models. As time goes on and we involve more models mixture - we’ll keep full transparency as to these model’s pricing models and how the credits get affected.

Remember, the prices listed in this table precede the addition of our arbitrage percent. This percentage is added when you purchase credits, so the final cost is the stated price plus PromptCahiner’s fee.

Our credit system is designed to smooth the transition across these AI models. By eliminating the need to manage different tokens, API keys, and pricing systems, we allow you to concentrate on what matters most: your innovative work with AI.

Last updated